So for the past year in my
Etsy shop I have been working really hard to learn Etsy SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
And I really feel that I have got quite a good grip on that, I can take an item, think of the important tag and get that item to the front page of the search every time I have tried it. I have tested my methods on my shop many times and on family and friends shops (If anyone would be interested I can do a tutorial on this, just request it in the comments)
That has been really great, my views are 5 times what they were a year ago and sales are way way better
But I was thinking
This is only really bringing in people who are already on Etsy
What we REALLY want is to hit that massive market of people searching for things on Google, that would help everyone with a shop as it gets Etsy known.
So I decided to focus on one easy tag and see if I could get it to the front page on google
My first thought was to try and optimise this item
And to use the tag 'Needle Felted Shetland Pony'
So I went onto Google to see where my starting position was there and I hit a bit of an unexpected problem (in a good way) For that search that image comes up 2nd in google images and in the first 3 hits my horses in my shop are in two of them :D
A fab problem, without trying on a specific term like that my wee pony is doing great :)
So it seems SOME Etsy SEO does help a whole lot with Google SEO
Great start
OK so lets pick a wider search
So searching that I am quite amazed to see this listing is 2nd down on page two and it is on the first page of the images
So far so good :) It seems that Etsy SEO isnt quite so horrible for Google SEO - but still I am getting no clicks from Google so lets see if we can improve that position and get some traffic.
So here are my stats for this week
71 Favourites (I was involved in a hearts game)
All views came from Etsy with the tags 'horse' or 'horse sculpture'
So lets see if we can improve that focusing on the tag 'Shetland Pony Sculpture'
First thing I have done you can see ^^ up there the line 'Shetland Pony Sculpture' is a click-able link
And on this image the Title and caption is 'Shetland Pony Sculpture' and its clickable back to my shop. I am just about to pop over to my shop and try and focus my tags for that search too.
This is where everyone else comes in, can you share my tag and link? and let me know where in the comments below and I will share what you want and try and help each other
The more we help each other to drive traffic to our shops the more traffic we drive to Etsy itself and that is good for all of us :)
Im off to share this everywhere I can :) I will let you know the results and what else I learn about Google SEO